I became a fan of street artist ROA when he pasted his huge sketchy animals (and animal parts) all over Brooklyn and NYC. Now he's in Mexico! We'll be checking these out in person in exactly one week. Word.
Wait, decorators really do use pencil sketches. San Francisco based designer, Gary Spain, created this living room for the first ever Elle Decor Showhouse. I love 90% of the elements involved: mixing of modern and antique, terrariums, large print photos, animal heads, and playful sculptures. Brava! + (images courtesy of Elle Dec0r)
Sharon Horvath creates these incredible labyrinth-like paintings in her Brooklyn Navy Yard studio. Her particular abstract style, inspired by dreams and baseball, lures me in more than most line-based pieces of her contemporaries. The choice hues and unique layering technique pulls you towards them, but it's the mystery and composition that holds you in; they are "as intimate as an embrace."